Winternight trailrun 18th of December 2024

Welcome to join us on an adventure run!

Distance - about 12 km
We run the nearest distance to Knivsta first along the Upplandsleden over Lunsentorpet, south to the forest road which then goes past G:a Alsike, along the country road to Ängbyskogen where we rejoin the Upplandsleden until the finish at Ängby park. Alternative (detour) routes can occur both as a result of a bit of "error running" and if you want to take a voluntary detour. But with the help of the mobile both as a location provider and to call and ask the competition management, everyone (should) find their way 😉. Map over the course further down the page. 

At the parking lot on the east side of Flottsundsbron

Joint start at 18.30.

- From Uppsala, bus 8 leaves Central Station at 17:41 and arrives at Sunnerstastugan at 18:04
- Or car with parking at Sunnerstastugan
- From Knivsta to Uppsala, the shuttle (UL/SL-train) runs minutes 26 and 56 every hour

Pair competition or joint cluster
Both because it's fun with company and a little for safety's sake, you should run at least two and two. If you don't have someone to run with, come to the start and you will pair up with one or more of the other participants as expected or you just hang out in the common group where I, as the race leader, run "last in line".

- Headlamp with at least 1.5 hours of battery life
- Small spare lamp or extra battery (at least one per pair)
- Terrain shoes
- Clothes after weather
- Hydration belt or hydration backpack if desired
- Small first-aid bandage
- Mobile phone with the app 112 and the number for the race leader Jens Lindquist 0703776215 entered
- Map if desired (obtained on site)

Course markings
There are no extra track markings except for the track markings that already are along the trail and the instructions you receive in writing and the map presented below. Therefore, it is necessary for safety reasons that you have your mobile phone with an GPS with you during the race. You first follow the Upplandsleden's orange markings to Lunsentorpet. Then red marking out to the dirt road. Then on your own along dirt road and country road to Ängby Forest, where the orange markings of the Upplandsleden again take over and lead you to the destination at Ängby park

You finish in Knivsta at Ängby park's entrance. There on the bulletin board will be a note and pen. You write down your name and end time (which you take yourself with your own watch). Then you also text that you have crossed the finish line to me as the race leader so that I know that everyone has crossed the finish line.

Registration in the activitiy in Campus1477 booking-app (GoActive), or in this form
Or just show up on site! 


The nature of the race
Of course it's fun to come first and the winners will of course be honored, but the race is more of an adventure than a competition and therefore all participants are winners in their own way. 

Pictures from last years event you find in the Facebook-group "Uppsala-Knivsta - Back to basic - trail run

This event and the Student Sports-project is sponsored by

Some useful GPS-points to save

Parking in the forest by the roadblock after running i Lunsen
Roadcrossing in Old Alsike
Upplandsleden in to the Ängbyskogen
The finish by the notice board at Ängby park
Map over the course 

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