Hitta ut (Find out) is a free health care activity where you use a map (on paper or in an app on your mobile) to find checkpoints that are located in urban environments, parks, residential areas and forests close to urban areas. Find out is for everyone and a great way to get out and discover new places in your city and neighborhood, on your own or with others.
Hittaut/Find out is available 24/7 between 25th of April to 31st of October, so you can venture out when it suits you. You can participate on your own or with others. Choose whether you want to walk, run, cycle or get around in another way.
I vår app kan du registrera checkpoints i tabellvy och kartvy, få stöd av karta/gps och se dina tagna checkpoints.
- Download the app for Android
You can find the Find Out map in paper format at Campus1477, at OK Linné's clubhouse at Tallbacksvägen 68 and in several stores and at various wellness facilities and other public facilities in Uppsala.
Find out and enjoy!