Table tennis

Drop-in-table tennis is an alternative for those who want to play ping pong from time to time for fun and exercise, but do not have the time or opportunity to regularly play for a club. It's fine to come alone. Welcome


The ping-pong session is led, just like at our other ball sessions, by a host. The host's task is to arrange so that all participants can play and lead any exercises. The host ​​on our ping pong sessions also help to give tips and advice for you to develop in your ping pong game.

Book your place in our app, on the internet or at the customer kiosk at the facility. Or show up unannounced and play as space permits. 

ATTENTION! This pass is open to Student Sports members and if you have such a membership you should book in as usual, but sign up on a list at reception when you enter the facility. 


We have two sessions a week with slightly different levels of playing skill to get as even a game as possible

  • Tuesdays - a little mor experienced level
  • Thursdays - basic level



8:35 - 9:45 PM


The Small hall at Campus1477


Bring your own ping pong rack (otherwise you can borrow at the reception), good indoor shoes and training clothes for playing table tennis

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