Nations Cup Ghostball 23 Feb 2025

As part of the effort to raise the sports activities of the student nations, we will carry out a number of "Nations Cups" where the nations compete against each other in light forms. During an academic year, the plan is to carry out the following national cups:

Autumn semester: 1) Floorball 2) Futsal

Spring semester: 3) Volleyball 4) Surprise 


The conditions for the cup were:

  • One team per student nation (minimum 6 players)
  • It is fine to register combination teams for two or more nations that join together if you wish. However, the application must be sanctioned by the nation/nations!
  • Mixed (both girls and boys in the teams, everyone meets everyone)
  • Location: Campus1477
  • Time: Games between approx. 11am-5pm (depending on the number of teams)
  • Game form: The matches are played for 10 minutes effective time according to the game rules below
  • Game schedule will come when we know how many teams have signed up 
  • Permitted participants: To participate in tournaments, it is required that you are an active student at Uppsala University or SLU, alternatively that you are employed full-time at one of Uppsala's student nations or student unions. The team managers are also responsible for their players meeting this requirement.
  • Registration:
    The team registration is made by the nation's sports officer in this form
    Last registration 17/2
    ATTENTION! No registration fee!


This event and the Student Sports-project is sponsored by


Each team starts with a number of players on each side of the center line with one player starting as a ghost, who is "behind" the opposing team. The ghost you choose from the beginning gets a free life and can run back to "save" the team at the end of the round. The ghost zone must never be empty.

The goal is to throw the ball and burn the opponents. If you get burned during the game, you become a ghost and move to the ghost zone. If you burn someone as a ghost, you live again and get to the regular playing surface.

Hands, forearms, head and neck are free. If the ball bounces before it hits, it "loses" its charge and is not allowed. If one catches a lyre (a direct lyre with the hands and not against the chest or against the body) the person who threw is burned. The game is over when one team has knocked out all living players on the opposing team, or the team with the most living players left when 10 minutes have passed.

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