Let's try "Survival Obstcle Run" - 10th of April

Come let's try "Survival Run" with Uppsala Survival! We can promise a challenging, pulse-raising and slightly different moment on our obstacle course. There you will get to climb ropes, over logs and cling to nets under the guidance of our experienced instructors.

Survival Run, originating in the Netherlands, is a variant of obstacle course running most closely related to what in Sweden is called OCR (obstacle course race). At Uppsala Survival, you can train to prepare for OCR competitions or just because it's an extremely fun form of training and we're a great bunch! 

Survival Run may seem a bit difficult at first, but everyone trains according to their own ability. It is a versatile form of training where you build strength, flexibility, mobility and endurance. Like a playground for adults.

On this occasion, you can try the Survival Run under the guidance of experienced instructors. If you want to continue, you are most welcome to join the association KFUM Uppsala Survival

Time: 10th of April at 6 PM

Location: Bertilsvägen 7, 75260 Uppsala (next to Berthåga IP) - see link

The easiest way is to get there's by bicycle, otherwise take bus nr 5 to Flogsta centrum from Uppsala City, then walk north up Berthåga and the sports ground is on the right when you come up the hill.

Registration: You register in this form. ATTENTION! Maximum 15 spots

Equipment/clothing: non-sore clothing. Recommended attire (see also link) is:

  • * Long pants (protects the calves), eg tights or jogging pants 
  • * Long socks (protects the ankles)
  • * Gym shoes for outdoor use, preferably trail/terrain shoes with rough soles (gives better grip)
  • * T-shirt or tank top, pullover without a hood if it's chilly

NOTE Take off jewelry and put up long hair! Bring your own refilled water bottle. Feel free to change, simple changing facilities are available but no shower.

Contact information for on-site manager: 

  • * Linn Rengren, lire8764@gmail.com, 073-057 32 09
  • * Ralf Janssen., ralf.janssen@geo.uu.se, 073-672 66 15

Contact information for the person in charge at Campus1477:

  • Jens Lindquist, jens.lindquist@campus1477.se, 070-3776215

This event and the Student Sports-project is supported by

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