Bird watching- 15 april 2025

In collaboration with the Uppsala Ornithological Society, we invite you to go bird watching!

Join us and find out how far spring has come and which birds have arrived and started nesting. The bird life is rich and you never know what you will see and discover. The birdwatching starts at the Upper Foret (Övre föret) by the Fyrisån and then we make our way down towards the Vindbron and out to the platform for birdwatching. Excursion guide is Jan Wärnbäck from the Uppsala Ornithological Society. 

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This event and the Student Sports-project is supported by

It is also part of the project "Students on tour in our nature" that Campus1477 is carrying out in 2025 together with the Upplandsstiftelsen
with the support of Region Uppsala
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