The Student Run - Studentloppet may 22 2024

The Student Run - "Studentloppet" is organized by Campus1477. The student run is for students, but is open to anyone who wants to share the joy of running. Combining your studies with exercise and health is important to feel good, and that is why we organize the Student Run.

Regardless of whether you set out for 5km, 10km, walk, jog, run or rush, The Student Run is an opportunity to let go of your thoughts on studies for an evening and just enjoy running.

Thank you - 2024

  • Pictures and some videos from the Student Race can be found here in my photo album
  • I’ve also put pictures and movies up on our Facebook-event. There you can comment and fill up with more pictures if you want
  • If you’re interested in the results from the race you find it at our partner Racetimer

Registration of interest
If you want to receive ongoing information about the race, be reminded when the fee increases and also get the chance to win a free starting place, you should register in this form.

ATTENTION! Registration of interest is not binding for you to start!

The race has a start, lap for 10 km and finish outside Campus1477 Blåsenhus, von Kreamers allé 5 Uppsala.


18:30 for 10km (two laps)

18:40 for 5km

Number of participants:

Max 500 - First come, first served!


  • Digital registration and payment via Swish on Racetimer
  • Registration and payment by card at the reception at Campus1477

You benefit from registering early. And keep in mind that the 500 starting places may run out! So secure your place by signing up now!

All registrated participants

Registration stop/Price ladder:

  • "First come, first served" until 30/4
    • SEK 200
  • "Better late than never" between 1-19/5
    • SEK 250
  • "At the last minute" - between 20-22/5 at 17.00 (at the reception at Campus1477)
    • SEK 300

Cancellation and money back

If you become ill or for some other reason cannot participate and deregister before 12 noon on the day of the competition on 22/5, you will get the money back afterwards. Just email and you'll get help with the refund


The Student Run is meant to motivate you to exercise, and for everyone who signed up early for the Student race, there is the opportunity to participate in our free running sessions on Wednesdays.


We are happy to have a collaboration with Vitamin Well, which offers all participants drinks, and Löplabbet, which offers running technique-passes before the race and a discount in its store.


Number bibs distribution:

  • Before the start, all participants must pick up their number bib. You can pick up the number bib on the day of the competition from 4:30 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. outside Campus1477, Blåsenhus. Come in time, so not everyone comes at 6pm!

You are responsible for your number bib and it cannot be replaced. Without a number bib, you cannot start the race.

Participant info

The start:

The start takes place outside Campus1477 Blåsenhus at the marked starting point.

Course length and course marking:

The course is 5 km long and for those who run 10 km it means running two laps. The track stretches through beautiful parkland, nice residential areas and lovely forest areas. You follow both cycle- and footpaths, residential streets and larger forest paths. On some occasions you cross and follow motorways.

The track is marked with red and white bands. At road crossings and at other road/trail junctions there are volunteers who show the way along the course.


Officials are available along the course for directions and help when crossing roads. We have Volunteers at Campus1477 for questions.

All volunteers wear a yellow vest.


Water can be refilled before and after the race in a carry-on bottle in the changing rooms inside Campus1477. There is no drink along the race, but liquid in paper cups at the lap and finish line.

The goal:

The finish is the same place as the start.


Everyone who completes the race gets a nice Student race medal


You can see the result at

Award ceremony:

Prize distribution takes place after all runners have finished, approximately 19.30. Prizes are awarded to the winning Ladies and Gentlemen in the 5 and 10 km class respectively


Changing rooms are inside the gym Campus1477.


Toilets are inside the changing rooms at the Campus1477 gym.


Officials are on site to provide information.

Contact info

Results 2023

After the race you can find your result at Racetimer.

Pictures from The Student Run 2023


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