Direct debit agreement

Paying by direct debit means that money will be deducted each month from your bank account. Our contracts are valid for a 12-months or 3 months period, after which they carry on as an ongoing agreement without prior notice (provided that the payment is not sent to the bank, read more in the section Termination).


When you sign a direct debit agreement, you must bring your ID and details of your bank account. If the direct debit is to be drawn from another person's account, that person must be present at the time of signing, to identify themselves. It is this person who has to sign the direct debit agreement.


The contract term is either 12 months or 3 months, after which the contract becomes an ongoing agreement. 


The first payment is always made on site, in order for the subscription to get in phase with the monthly deductions. The amount payable will vary depending on the date the agreement is signed. If the agreement is signed before the 15th of the month, you will pay for the remaining days of that month. If the agreement is signed after the 15th, you will pay both for the remainder of that month as well as for the following month. The reason for this is that all details must be sent to the bank for approval no later than the 16th of each month.


At the end of each month, a total of three attempts to withdraw funds from your account will be made. If your account lack sufficient funds, a reminder will be sent and your pass will be blocked for entry. An administrative fee (currently 50 SEK) will be charged. Debt collection procedures will be applied if the card holder breaches the payment regulations, and additional costs will be charged. Repeated non-payment gives Campus1477 the right to refuse you entering into a new direct debit agreement. 


Our general regulations apply to freezing your pass. During the period, the amount deducted from your account is reduced that particular month (or the following month if the direct debit has already gone through). The contract term is extended by the corresponding number of days.


Termination shall be made in writing; the form is available in the reception areas or can be downloaded (see below). You can also e-mail the reception ( of your termination, and when you have receive a copy of your termination you know it's been terminated.

If the termination reaches us before the 5th of the month, we have time to stop the payment and no money will be deducted. If you terminate your contract after the 5th, another payment will be debited. Your subscription can be terminated at any time, but be aware that you are liable for the entire period. Termination cannot be made through non-payments.


You can choose to cancel the direct debit prematurely and pay the remaining amount in cash.  

Stop paying by direct debit

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